Where you get all you need to stay ahead of regulations faster and more effective

RegHub navigates business professionals through the regulatory complexity. Discover regulatory information related to your topics of interest - on point, in one place and in real-time. And do even more - analyse, organize, share and integrate regulatory data streams fast and easily.

With RegHub, opportunities for efficiency and effectivity improvements are endless

RegHub simplifies regulatory change management and compliance processes, effectively eliminating risks and lowering costs.

Access structured, classified and enriched regulatory information, news and insights from thousands of sources in real-time.

Smart regulatory data

Create and customize your own regulatory data streams and capture the most important information in your personal or team workspaces.

State-of-the-art regulatory change & compliance management

Research, assess, enrich and organize regulatory data on topics of your interest with personalizable analytic tools from our marketplace.

Powerful analytics engine

Share your assessments and knowledge, and collaborate on further regulatory evaluations within your team members.

Regulatory systems and data fusion

Use our API to fuel your workflows and applications with high-quality regulatory information from standard or personalized data streams.

Regulatory systems and data fusion

Manage and trace your regulatory obligations, tasks and internal controls end-to-end and automate them wherever possible.

End-to-End Support

From the moment a regulation is published, to the implementation of control mechanisms, and audit-proofing, RegHub is there for you.

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Benefits of RegHub


Substantial cost savings


Risk minimization


Significant conversion time optimization


Boost in transparency for an audit-proof process


Increased degree of compliance


Frictionless collaboration & streamlined workflows


Join RegHub and get regulatory data on selected topics immediately

Start the FREE access to RegHub with a preloaded set of regulatory topics.

Regulatory Obligation Filter

Automated regulatory change detection as well as filtering of relevant obligations based on AI / ML and Real-Time Data Analytics. Smart functions paired with a sophisticated collaboration model and on-demand standardized knowledge packages for efficient regulatory analysis deep-dives.

Relevant Regulations

All relevant regulations are available in one golden source, structured in the form of objects in logical hierarchies and ready for further processing.

Impact Filter

AI / ML and Real-Time Data Analytics based identification of interdependencies between global regulatory obligations and their impacts on processes, organizational units and products. Deep Impact & GAP assessments supported by standardized expert knowledge packages, predictive analytics and direct digital channels to external service providers.


All impacts structured, analyzed, assigned and interconnected (with corresponding regulatory requirements) in one place.

Change Management Filter

Clean and standardized transformation of impacts into single functional requirements, perfectly aligned for agile implementation.


Full regulatory change progress tracking, traceability and reporting (also uniting other project management tools and the internal but also external teams).

Control Filter

Automated suggestions on control design, best practice control frameworks and control automation.


Centralized control framework, including control action planning, management and documentation.


Open APIs from/to internal IT systems, 3rd party automation software as well as specialized analytic and reporting solutions allowing even bigger control automation.

Audit Proof

Smart cockpits for real-time compliance monitoring as well as a transparent end-to-end audit trails on all taken regulatory change measures.

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