Welcome to RegHub! Whether you’re the first person at your organization to sign up or a new hire on a team already using it, this article will teach you the fastest way to get the most value out of RegHub and how to use the key features. It won’t explain everything, but we will cover the fundamentals to help you start using RegHub the best way, right away.
Explore RegHub first, then register and login to get access to more features
- [1] Explore RegHub: You can explore the basic features and data of RegHub without login. Just click on your first topic and check out the collected data of the specific topic and get access to daily updates from relevant source from many countries.
- [2] Register and login: Registration to RegHub is for free and super easy. Just register with your eMail and password or just use your LinkedIn account account to register with one click. When you register you receive an confirmation email. After confirmed you registration you can start RegHub by login in. With no hidden costs. And don’t worry, we keep your data confident. Loggin in to RegHub gives you access to all other topics and further features to bookmark, enrich and share data.
A RegHub topic: Stay updated about regulatory news and publications in a specific topic
- [3] Each topic gives you access to thousands of related publications (press releases, guidelines, legal documents, reports, warnings, …). With the Filters you can further narrow down the results to your specific needs. When you are logged in you can also save specific filters that perfectly fits your specific needs.
- [4] You find the search results in the results list on the right side of the topic page. You can sort each column. When you click to one of the publications RegHub will forward you to the detail page of this publication.
- [5] When you are logged to RegHub you can subscribe to topics of your interest. If you have a payed account you can even directly access to JSON stream to directly include RegHub realtime data in your own application. In any case you can share the topic to your colleagues.
- [6] Assessments are a powerful toolset to add comments, links, risk assessments, decisions and many more type of information when you are a registered user. In a payed team account your can also make those assessments public and collaborate with your team on the analysis of specific topics or publications. So you can use RegHub as central repository for your topic-based information.
RegHub publications: Work with single publications in RegHub
- [7] Once a regulatory news has been added to your regulatory change management workflow, it will be marked green and you can then jump directly into the regulatory news to continue working with the added news.
- [8] A checklist will guide you through your first steps to collaboratively work with the added news: Add responsibilities, Assign tasks, Add impacts or controls.
If you step by step add those regulatory news that are relevant for you company, you will build a rich regulatory collaboration space, which perfectly meets the characteristics of your company and your personal field of work
How to navigate in RegHub
RegHub’s navigation is straight forward. You can use the browser back- and forward buttons to navigate in RegHub.
Alternatively you can use
- [9] The RegHub icon to navigate back to the landing page of RegHub. The link “Back to main page” navigates you back to RegHub’s homepage. You can also directly access each RegHub page by just bookmarking the dedicated page in your browser favorites.
Learn more about RegHub with other resources
Congrats! You’ve taken your first step in learning how to use RegHub. There are lots of other resources to help you and your team along the way, for all different kinds of learning styles.
Please have a look on the RegHub blog, where we continuously publish new best practices and guides about advanced RegHub features. So you can learn how to create and process a regulatory Gap & Risk Assessment, or how you can setup an maintain a Control Plan.